Saturday, March 14, 2015

Jack Whyte - Camulod Chronicles

I realize that I haven't written anything in this particular blog for quite some time.  I haven't been reading as much as I previously have although I am in the middle of a 9-book series, The Camulod Chronicles, by Jack Whyte. 

A friend from Baltimore highly suggested these books and I can say without a doubt that these are some of the most brilliantly detailed, imaginative, amazing stories about the Arthurian legend that I have ever read in my life.  So far I have finished The Skystone, The Singing Sword, and The Eagle's Brood.  I am currently reading Uther, which is technically a later book, but as it is the story of Uther that takes place at the same time as The Eagle's Brood, my friend recommended I read that before I read The Saxon Shore

We're not only talking about detailed accounts of Uther and Merlyn, but detailed accounts of the Roman Empire and Uther's and Merlyn's parents and grandparents.  These books lay the foundation for the legend that is Excalibur and King Arthur.  I refuse to give any spoilers because I want you all to pick up these books and read.  They are fairly lengthy books with Uther being the longest one so far at over 900 pages, but it is so well worth the time to read. 

I am giving this collective series:

Even though I haven't read the rest of the series yet.  I own them all and will be reading them in due course!  Happy reading.  Please feel free to leave comments below.